Peanuts Question

As I was watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas" with my darling daughter, I noticed 2 things and came up with a question:
1. The gang of kids in the cartoon lives in a place where all the kids know how to ice skate and the ponds/lakes freeze over so they can skate on them. Meaning they have to be living up North.
2. Charlie Brown uses the word "Y'all" when he talks. Meaning he lives (or did live) in the deep South.
Where does the Peanuts gang reside?
I hope everyone is having a great Christmas Season!! As of this writing (7:50 pm on December 17th) there are 7 shopping days left before Christmas. If you haven't finished your shopping yet, you better get on it this week because next weekend is going to be STUPID!!!!!
Labels: charlie brown, christmas, peanuts, snoopy
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