
You ever notice what adrenaline can do for you? A couple nights ago, I woke up about 2:00 am and couldn't get back to sleep. I figured I could go out and watch a bit of TV to see if I could clear my mind and get back to sleep. While I was watching something, I heard a noise upstairs. Both of the girls sleep upstairs, so I muted the TV to listen. I heard Ansley cough but something didn't sound right. I decided to walk up and check on her. I walked up the back set of stairs so I wouldn't have to open the baby gate in case she was still asleep. I got into the computer room and heard another noise. Then, I knew what was happening, she was getting sick. I ran from the computer room through Riley's room, down the hall and into Ansley's room. It was pitiful. She was sitting up in bed, both arms drenched, the front of her nightgown soaked and all in her hair. She was crying lightly and then started to heave again. I yanked her out of bed and ran down the hallway to the bathroom with her so she could stand over the toilet and not get any more on her. As she was getting sick again, I called into the baby monitor down to Heather that we had a problem. She came right up. We got Ansley all cleaned up with a bath and new clothes and got her down in the bed with us so we could keep an eye on her. She got sick, slightly, one more time that night and nothing more after. All we figured was it was something she ate the day before.
But, what I was meaning about adrenaline; Since my surgery, the Doc put me on very specific restrictions. One of them is not to lift anything over 10 lbs for at least 6 weeks. I don't exactly know why or what damage/setback in healing it would cause, so I just follow the rules. However, when your baby girl is sick and you don't want her to get sick on herself any more, all that goes through your mind is grab your 26 lb precious one and run her where ever you need to take her so she feels better. I didn't even realize I had done it until about 45 minutes later when we finally got back to bed. And then today, she fell off her chair at dinner and hit her head. She sits right next to me, so what did I do? I turned quickly to her and scooped her up off the floor. That's twice in 48 hours I've done that. So far, no residual pain or seemingly setbacks, so hopefully, I'm healing enough where I didn't screw anything up. Adrenaline is a funny thing.
Labels: adrenaline, ansley, surgery
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