2006 - My Year in Review

Quite a bit has happened for me in 2006. Heather found out she was pregnant in 2005, but we kept it from most until 2006. January, I received my PADI Open Water Scuba Diver certification. February, I received my Advanced Open Water Diver certification and passed my 1 year mark being in the Air Force Reserve. March, Heather and I and my family all went on a cruise to the Bahamas. March was also the 8th birthday for our African Grey Parrot, Kyko, and the 2nd birthday for our Cock-a-Poo, Ripley. April, May and June, we were busy getting the house, ourselves and a room ready for Baby's arrival. June, Heather was promoted to a Manager at her job. July 3rd, Ansley Savannah was born into our family. August, I turned 42 and Heather turned 32. We had our 4th wedding anniversary in Sept, while back in August we celebrated 11 years of being together as a couple. September was also the month my Sister found out she had breast cancer for the second time. She had her mastectomy surgery later that same month. October had our first Halloween with the baby. November, was a great Thanksgiving, my sister started her chemo treatments and I shaved my head. December gave us our first Christmas as a three member family and my In-Laws the first Christmas with a Grand baby. (If I forgot anything, I'll mention them in a future post)
As you can tell, except for the news about my sister, 2006 was an awesome year for the Halls... We can only hope and pray that 2007 holds more of the same for us.
Quick update on my sister: She has finished three rounds of chemo and is doing great. 3 more to go.. She will have her other two surgeries around March 2007.
My goals for 2007? (I don't do resolutions, but I do make goals) I want to get more fit (as does EVERYONE out there) I also want to log at least 60 dives total in my log book. I want to complete three Specialty certifications (Deep, Search and Recovery and Wreck) and I want to either finish my Dive Master or be very close to finishing by the end of the year. There is no place to go in my job, so the only goal there is to keep it. :) If we want to be un-realistic about anything, I want to win the lotto and then move to the Caribbean to run a Dive Shop.
What are your goals??
Everyone have a great 2007!!!!!!
It's always about goals. I have many for the year of 2007. It's going to take dedicattion and hard work to acheive what I want to set to do. Hey, when your up/across this way, let's chat about them real time fool. All in all, looked good for the Halls in 2006 and wish you and yours the best in 2007.
Thanks BP!! Same to you and your family.. Hopefully one of those goals is be O/W certified by the end of the summer. :) I plan on making my way over there soon. Promised Cat and Bigglesworth to do lunch one day. I'll holler when I get a date down..
Glad to hear everything is going well! My goals... keep my girlfriend, get out of AF... again, start my new job, brew my first batch of beer ever(no kit), start private pilot training, get in better shape, start network security consulting on the side, and still have time to play my guitar more often; and have all the money to accomplish this. Winning the lottery would definitely help.
- Josh LaRose
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