They ain't heavy, they're my feet
Another thing I have noticed this week.. The Hotel workers seem to give the people with lead weights for feet the rooms on the floor above you. I can normally deal with the slamming doors outside in the hallway, the loud ass TV or noises from people gettin' freaky permeating through the walls, but, damn, I have a hard time dealing with people that sound like they are STOMPING across the floor every time they walk above me. I actually had an upstairs neighbor back in our apartment in Columbus that had a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull when he tried to walk. I had days that I could swear there was ceiling paint raining down on my head. That wasn't his only fault, but it was one of the worst. After multiple unheeded complaints to him and the office, we finally just moved out.
Luckily, this room is only temporary and most people are in and out of here after a day or so. The guy that lived next door and loved to watch porn at full volume only stayed here for two nights. And both nights, he was done "watching" by 10:30, so he didn't blast it all night. But I have got some heavy footed people above me today. I hope this is only a day stop for them and not a week long TDY.

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