Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Here I sit.. I'm in Biloxi, MS for two weeks of military training. This sucks. It's been raining almost everyday and it's gotten cold over the last two days. I was hoping to go to Pensacola, FL over the weekend to get some diving in, but Mother Nature isn't going to cooperate. I guess I'll get a good book and get some reading and relaxation in during my down time. The training is going well enough.. I'm learning about a job I don't do, but what the heck, I get a stripe out of it, so, it's worth it.
It's funny.. When I was active duty and single, I LOVED going TDY.. I volunteered for every one that came my way.. Now that I'm a reservist and married with child, I'd much rather stay home with my family than go anywhere for any amount of time.. Not to mention that Tiny Baby and #1 Mom have both gotten sick since I've been gone.. Some kind of stomach bug going around.. But, luckily, we have a great support staff at home and they haven't spent any time alone since I've been gone.. I don't mind the weekend trips here and there, but this two week or, God forbid, 6 month TDY's....They can keep those..
Just as with everything else, I'll do my time and go home when I'm done. Which, honestly, I'm half way finished now. So, there isn't that much longer to go.
I would type more, but I hate typing on this laptop. I have to re-type just about every third word.. I'll do more posts, just not long ones until I get back home with my regular keyboard.



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