On the road again...

Well, here I sit, one more night in my hotel room in Biloxi (actually, D’Iberville) Mississippi. Everything has been packed back up in suitcases and a-bags and the truck is loaded with everything I won’t need in the next 12 hours. I have also been studying this evening for my final exam tomorrow morning, but I needed to take break from it. I need to clear my head and check back later on to see what I actually retained from today and this evening. I really thought this course was going to be a waste of time, but, I’m happy to report, I actually learned quite a bit during my time here. I just hope I’m able to retain enough of it to pass the exam tomorrow morning. I took a 110 question practice test this afternoon and scored a 90% on it. I hope that’s a sign of things to come for tomorrow morning.
Although the two weeks have gone by pretty quickly, I am soooo ready to get back home to my family. I’m not looking forward to the 7 hour drive, but I am ready to be back home. Everyone has gotten over the sickness they all had and they all have gotten along fine without me. And, no, I don’t feel bad about that. I want them to get along fine without me. Wearing the uniform means there will be times I can’t be there for one reason or another. I need to feel confident they can survive without me. And they have proved it on more than one occasion. But, I’m sure #1 Mom will be glad to have another set of hands around the house, full time, for a change also. I think I have to cut the grass when I get home. Yuck. And, I’m sure, pay bills that have come in since I’ve been gone. Yep, back to the same ‘ol grind. Can’t wait. :)
Small scuba update.. My 12 year old niece, ABG, will be doing her confined water portion of diving classes in the next couple of weeks. She will have Scuba Steve as her instructor and I will be his Safety Diver for the course, so that should be fun. We’ll get some pictures of that loaded after we complete her course. I haven’t gotten the pictures of Vortex developed yet. I was waiting until I got home so I wouldn’t be on a time crunch if anything were to happen to the developing process. Not to mention that the only place around here to get them developed is Wal-Mart and it will be a COLD day in hell before I ever let them touch another roll of my film.
Next time I blog, it will be from the confines of my own computer chair in Warner Robins…
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