Sister and Qualified Phone Guy Update

I was reminded that I hadn't updated you folks on my sister lately, and I deeply apologize for that. I get asked at work so much, that I forget there are still people out there that don't know the latest.
As of today, 07 April 2007, Leslie has finished her chemo treatments (about 4-5 weeks ago) and has had her hysterectomy. I forget the actual figures, but after you have breast cancer once, your chance of getting it a second time is pretty high. Then, if you do get it again, which she did, there is like a 60-80% chance of getting ovarian cancer after that. Leslie decided not to chance it and go ahead and get it all taken out. So, she's three weeks past her hysterectomy and is healing up nicely. She has been given clearance to drive and pick up Tiny Baby, so she's happy now. After she heals completely from this last surgery, she will go on her Church's Youth Choir Tour. After she returns from the tour, then she will schedule her reconstruction surgery. After that, she will back full strength. It's really been amazing this time around. She barely slowed down during this round of treatments. It was awesome to see how she blazed through this considering how this whole regime started with such a bleak outlook. The entire family really appreciates every one's thoughts, prayers and well wishes for her. They have definitely come in handy.
As most of you know, I am "The Phone Guy" where I work. I install and troubleshoot phones, program the phone switch, run, install and wire out LAN and phone jacks all over the place. Sid and I even do it as a part time business away from our normal jobs. So, we're pretty knowledgeable when it comes to these things. Well, we had a cordless phone in the house that just refused to hold a charge. So, Heather went out and bought a new set of cordless phones that we could use downstairs. After I got those plugged in, programmed and working, I decided to take the base unit of the cordless that we replaced and use it upstairs in the computer room, since it was a corded/speaker phone. I brought it up here, plugged in the power, plugged the line into the wall and set all the features again in the phone. I just plugged it all up and left it be. When the phone rang later that night, I didn't ring in here and I wondered why. So, I looked in the programming and the ringer volume was set at MED and turned on. I picked up the handset and there was no dial tone. Great. So I checked all the programming and checked the jack in the wall and made sure the line was plugged in. I knew the power was in because I could program it. Still no dial tone. I worked with it for a bit and then gave up. The next day I came in and started working on it again. After double checking all my wall connections again and they were correct, I was starting to think the phone died. Then, as I looked around the speaker the phone was sitting on, I found my problem. The phone line from the wall was laying on the floor. I never plugged the line into the phone itself. You need me to do any phone work at your house????
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