Another Diver in the Family (very soon)

In case you are wondering, PADI standards are: You can get certified at 10 years of age, but they don’t want you diving, unsupervised, until you are at least 15. So, from the ages of 10 to 14 they are awarded PADI Open Water Junior Certification. Meaning, they are certified to dive with a Divemaster or Instructor. Kind of like a learner’s permit. At 15, there are no extra tests or qualifications (because you do the exact same stuff as all O/W divers during your certification class) you just let PADI know you are 15, pay your money for a replacement card and you are then a “regular” PADI O/W diver.
As for me, another week has gone by and they haven’t changed the dates for my Rescue Class, so I’m starting to get cautiously optimistic about it actually happening this time.
Tiny Baby and #1 Mom are doing great. Tiny Baby is very mobile for not crawling or walking yet. She can roll from one side of the room to the other in no time flat, so we have to keep an eye on her anytime she’s on the floor. I can’t imagine keeping up with her once she actually starts to crawl. Looks like it’s time to start investing in baby gates and baby-proofing the house.
Also, my sister has finished her Chemo regimen!!! She is done with all chemo and shot treatments. She still has a couple of major surgeries to go through, but the treatment is done.. Congrats to her for finishing it up (again)..
Book Report Update: I finished “Hiding on the Bottom” by James Rosemond. Good book. I even wrote a review on about it. “Very good read. Refreshingly real. Mr. Rosemond tells you his story in a way that will actually have you hearing the crackling fire or feeling the last rays of the sun hit you as you sit on the porch of the Swamphouse at sundown. Everyday stories from a “regular guy” mixed with humor and a few life lessons taught by a Character you really want to meet. What’s not to like?? We could all learn a few things from Scotty and his views on life.” The author goes by the name “Ken” in life and I’ve actually had the pleasure of emailing back and forth with Ken. Very nice guy. He even made me a deal and since I kept my part of the bargain, he’s sending me another copy of “Hiding” inscribed by him and signed by Scotty. That’s very cool. Go buy his book. He’s even starting a yearly get together at the Swamphouse called “Swampfest.” You can meet Ken, Scotty and everyone form the book if you go. I received my invite, but I’m afraid timing isn’t good for me this year. But I do have an invite to go flounder hunting with him if I’m ever up in the area.
I’m reading “Diver Down” by Michael Ange now.. I’ll let you know about that as soon as I’m done..
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