Unexpected Phrase

I said something the other day I never thought I'd say.
The background: Tiny Baby was having a rough day and nothing I did would calm her down. She was tired and cranky, but, like most babies, was fighting going to sleep. So, she did nothing but sit there and cry. No amount of playing, bottles, food offerings, toys or even Daddy being an idiot in front of her was going to settle her down. #1 Mom had been recording some kid's shows on the DVR for when there was none being broadcast. As I looked through them, I saw a Barney show she had recorded. I started it up, he started singing and lo and behold, she quieted down and watched the entire show. After that, she was settled down enough to drink a bottle and go to sleep.
Then, out came the words never foreseen to be spoken by these lips: "Thank God for Barney."
LOL.. Whatever, Big Man. :)
It's all about the Wiggles...
Ohhhhh...I'm brushing my teeth on the bottom,
Cause I wouldn't want to say that I forgot 'em.
But while I'm brushing my teeth and having so much fun,
I never let the water run.
I never let the water run.
Ask ME about Barney!
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