Monday, August 27, 2007

Growing Older

You know you're starting to get a bit older when you just don't care what other people think of you anymore. I am on a hunt for #1 Mom's birthday present. I know what I want to get her, but it is becoming harder and harder to find it. I did actually find it today and that's when I noticed, I must be getting older. I can't tell you what it is because she reads this page every 10-12 weeks whether she needs too or not, and this might be within that time frame. I asked the salesman how much it was. With a straight face, he spoke a number that left me speechless. I asked him to repeat his price, thinking I added a zero or two in my mind and misheard him. He repeated the same astronomical number and all I could do was laugh at him. I laughed my ass off at him. I politely told him thanks for his time and I would not be back. In my younger years, I would have played off the price and acted like I expected that kind of price and would tell them, I'd think about it and get back to them. Not now, Bubba. I think you're stupid, I'm gonna tell you that I think you're stupid.

As for the birthday present: Back to the drawing board. I better hurry.. Her birthday is the 30th.

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At 28 August, 2007 11:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would agree.


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