Productive day
You know, you have those days where you feel like you've accomplished something and you have those days where you don't feel like you've done crap. Well, today was an, almost, too productive day. It's the weekend; I'm not supposed to work this much!!!
The day started with Ansley actually letting us sleep until 8:00 am. Once we did get up and get breakfast, Heather decided she wanted to make a quick trip to Lowe's to get a couple things. She wanted one of those "Rain" shower heads for the Master bath and we needed to get a 10 foot ladder so I could reach our gutters and clean them. We went to Lowe's and got the ladder and the shower head, but Heather also decided she wanted a new faucet for the kitchen sink. She wanted a high-rise faucet and the sprayer on our has been sticking for some time so she thought it would be a good time to replace it all.
When we got home, I installed the new shower head real quick and then I started on the gutters while she was with the baby. We have 5 sets of gutters on our house ranging from 20 feet to about 60 feet long. I dug all the leaves and crap out of all of them and the sprayed them all out with the hose. Everything went well until the last one that had a hose running from the spout at the bottom into the ground. It was clogged up beyond belief, so I took the hose off of it and then took the gutters apart and cleaned all the parts out. After that, I hit the weeds in the front yard with the weed eater since there isn't much growth in the grass.

Back home, I start working on the sink. The new faucet set goes on much easier when the sink isn't in the counter. After getting everything ready, I put the sink and and work on getting the disposal hooked back up. After that, I start re-plumbing. That's when I notice the drains are about 2 1/2 inches further apart than they were in the old sink. Back to Lowe's for plumbing parts. (My Lowe's is less than 2 miles from my house, luckily)

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