You always hear that procrastination never pays off. Well, I have a true to life story that verifies that statement.
Last night, my sister, Leslie, called and wanted to borrow a few boxes we have in our attic left over from the move into this house. I have a fairly big stack of them, so she always calls if she needs a box. I told her I would grab a couple boxes from the attic and put them downstairs for her to pick up the next morning. As per usual, I forgot and didn't do it.
Today at work, I heard my cell phone ringing at my desk, but I didn't reach it in time to answer. I looked at the call log and saw it was my "Home" that called me. I knew my wife was at work so I was wondering why my home phone would be calling me. Then I realized, it was my sister calling about the boxes I didn't get out for her. I called back to the house and she answered my phone. The call went like this:
Leslie: "Hello?"
Me: "Hey, I forgot to get those boxes out for you."
Leslie: "Yeah, I know, but I knew where you kept them."
Me: "So, you got them yourself?"
Leslie: "Yeah. But...."
Me: "But what?"
Leslie: "You know I'm your sister, right? You know I'd never do anything bad on purpose, right?"
Me:"What happened?" (As my heart starts to race)
Leslie: "Weeeeeeeell. As I was coming back across the attic with the boxes..."
Me: "You went through the ceiling"
And then she proceeded to tell me that even though she had a flashlight and made a mental note of every area up there that didn't have plywood on it, she still managed to hit one area that was only sheetrock. Her foot went right through the ceiling in the kitchen between the bar and kitchen table. My biggest worry was she fell through it and got hurt, but she didn't. The area she stepped in is barely big enough for a foot to go in it, but she managed to put her size 8 in there just perfect and go right through. She wasn't hurt, but she was really worried about my ceiling. The ceiling is repairable, little sisters aren't always repairable. So, I'm good with the results. The hole is barely 8 inches across. It just looked much bigger with the insulation sticking out of it.
Not to mention that when Heather and I stayed with Leslie and Dale a couple years ago while we were moving into this house, Ripley (our dog) ripped up about $1000 worth of carpet in their upstairs playroom. They refused to let us pay for it. This hole is no where near a grands worth of damage, so Leslie still has a ways to go to catch up.
By the time Leslie had called me, she had already called Brother-in-Law, Dale and our Mom and Mom had already talked to a sheetrock guy to get it fixed. He's going to be here next week.
Below are three pictures of the hole. All 8 pictures that I took are in my photo area of my MySpace account: Wolfpack764 MySpace

I have a huge bruise on my thigh. Does that make up for the embarrassment?
Embarrasment can be gotten over, injury sometimes can't. If a bruise is all you got, we can live with that.
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