3:00 am ramblings
I woke up this morning because I thought I heard a sound upstairs. So, I got up and checked it out along with checking on the baby. Everything was good, but after walking around the house, letting the dog outside and hitting the bathroom, I was wide awake. I stayed in bed about 30 minutes and gave up trying to go back to sleep. So, here I am, 3:50 in the morning, typing a blog. I'll be honest, there is no telling what this one will say.

The baby just woke up crying. I went to soothe her, but I guess Mama's better with that. She didn't stop crying until Heather came up to get her. Oh well, we she wants to play, she comes to me, so I can deal with that.
Oh geeeez. Can someone explain to me why dog farts smell so bad??? Man.. Ripley is asleep in a chair about 7 feet away from me and he just let one go. Wow. That's just awful. Time to open a window and turn on the ceiling fan. (2 minutes later) That's better. Do you know how hard it is to type when your eyes are watering? (No, I don't know how to type the "real" way. I use 2, sometimes three fingers on each hand and my right thumb. That's all. I can type about 40 words a minute that way, but I still have to look at the keyboard.)
I've been getting the itch to fly again. For those of you that don't know, back in 2003, I decided to get my Private Pilot's License. I took the written exam in December of that year and passed it. I started my actual flight lessons in mid 2004. I had a total of about 19 hours logged and 6 solo flights under my belt when I dropped out of the flight school I was attending due to poor management and decision making by the flight school. (When you lose trust in the people you are flying with, it's time to move on) So, I found a local instructor that could teach me in my Dad's airplane. Dad's airplane (a Piper Tomahawk) is a handful to fly and it was nothing like the plane I was used to using at the flight school. I had a hard time getting a handle on the airplane and to keep up with what I learned, I needed to fly 3 times a week. Well, the instructor costs 40 bucks an hour. If you use him for two hours a day, 3 times a week, that gets expensive. So I had to put flying on hold due to financial reasons. My last logged flight was in January of 2005. I've been up since then, I just couldn't log the time. Lately, I've been wanting to finish what I started, so I've been talking to Dad about it. (Damn, the dog just farted again. Holy cow. That's worse than the first one) We're going to get me back up in the air and try and get me comfortable with the Tommy before I start with an instructor. I still won't be able to do the 3 times a week thing, so we'll have to work out something else for me to stay current while in between instructor settings. One thing that really stinks about the whole deal is the written exam I've already passed is no longer valid. It's only good for 2 years if you don't get your license. My two years passed in December of 2005, so I'll have to retake it. For now, I'm going to focus on the flying now and then I'll redo the test later on. I'll update my website under the flying portion when my flight training starts back up.
Speaking of Dad and the airplane, he got a new hanger last week at the airport. The Tomahawk was being kept in an open T-hanger. It kept the rain and most of the sun off of it, but it was still open to the elements to a great extent. The airport built a new set of enclosed hangers and Dad got one. We went last Saturday and moved the Tommy into it's new home. Now, he's in the process of making his own. (wall hangings, tools, work benches, etc) Perfect timing since Christmas is right around the corner.
That's all I've got for now. It's 4:45 am and I have to get up in less than 30 minutes, so I need to get off of here. Not to mention, I want to leave before the dog decides to blow out another one. I hope everyone had a good and safe Thanksgiving.
Labels: christmas, flight training, kitchen, ripley, tomahawk
Sounds like a busy night....poor guy...
Flying..wow in the air and under the drink..AWESOME!!!!
3am ramblings...I know the feeling..albeit I dont ramble, just surf or play something till the sun comes up heh heh. Hope you had a good holiday, cant wait for next season so we can try to hook up and go diving. This whole diving thing feels like a dream, I done alot of dives since getting certified, but since I havent gone since July its odd. heh heh. Now I'm rambling, its contagious....later bud.
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