Friday, November 30, 2007

Another Hero Loss

Growing up, we all had heroes, idols, people we looked up to or wanted to be like. Shoot, even a lot of adults still have them, but we ALL had them as kids. Some were adults we knew and others were “famous” people like sports figures and astronauts. Many were even comic book characters for some kids. And, as our childhood heroes, we always knew nothing could happen to them. They were above the “mortal” ways of the rest of us. Of course, as we grow up, we realize they aren’t immortal and, most are, in fact, just like the rest of us.

The reason for this write up? I lost a childhood hero today. Growing up, I idolized the greatest daredevil of his time: Evel Knievel. I rode motorcycles almost my entire childhood and wanted to be just like him. I had every toy ever put out for Evel Knievel and watched every jump that was shown on TV. I watched his movie and I even got to watch the failed Snake River Canyon jump he did back in 1974 in the famed rocket-powered “Sky-Cycle.” I never got to meet the man in person and that was a bummer. But, as far as I was concerned, he was awesome.

Robert Craig “Evel” Knievel:
Born October 17th, 1938 and died November 30th 2007.

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