Another Week
Another week has passed and we've survived it. I always dislike this week of the year. When the 19th rolls around, its just a crappy day. I just keep to myself and make it through the day with very little interaction with others. I take a little time to be alone right about 9:00-9:02 CST as my own little memoriam for the 167 souls and Cartney lost on that day back in 1995. Of course, I don't forget 9-11, but I didn't personally know anyone associated with that attack, so although very tragic, it's not the same for me.
After the 19th has passed, I'm back to normal. In fact, we even played a golf tournament yesterday. And, actually had a really good day for us. Since we are high 90's, low 100's golfers, to shoot 7 under in the tournament was great for us. All 4 of us made some great shots and we all helped in the score being what it was. When we left the club house, we were tied for 5th place. I'm sure we probably dropped a spot or two after that, but we were happy with our outcome. They took another team photo, but we haven't seen it yet. If it turns out, I'll load it up here at a later time.
I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend. We had the family (my side) over for the day. We cooked out ribs, chicken and brats. Just had a nice relaxing afternoon with the family.
I've also been working on a new website. My scuba instructor wanted his own website, so we've worked out a deal. I'll make him a website and update as much as he wants and he'll provide me with training to get higher in my scuba certifications. Oh yeah.. You could be reading about "Dive Master Dale" in the very near future if we get the time and dives going the way I'd like. In fact, if any of you out there decide to take up scuba in 2007 under him, if my training goes right, I could very well be the one helping out with the instruction of the class. We'll see how it goes.
Well, that's about all I have for now.. Hope everyone is having a great start to the Spring/Summer season. Stay safe and I'll write more later.