Saturday, May 27, 2006

Another Movie

2 movies in the course of 28 hours. That's got to be some kind of record for me. I don't go to Theaters. I don't like spending a decent amount of money to see a movie I may or may not like. After you add the price of the ticket, drinks and a snack, that amount goes from decent to STUPID. Going to a Matinee helps this to some extent. But, normally, I just wait until the the movie comes out on DVD, let the Yo-Shu's buy it and then I borrow from them to see if I like it or not. :) There are, of course, movies I will go buy before I even see them, knowing, even if I don't like the plot, I'll like the scenery. Such as, "Into the Blue" and "Fantastic Four," both with Jessica Alba. I am also a huge "American Pie" freak. So, I bought two of them (Wedding and Band Camp) before I had seen either. Of course, they were good, as far as I was concerned. Today's flick was "The DaVinci Code." Just when I was complaining about no one making anything original, we go to see this. This has got to be one of the MOST original story lines I've ever encountered. (Not to mention controversial) Darling Bride wanted to go see it, so we went and checked it out. She had read the book and liked it, so she figured she'd like the movie also. It was a good movie. I hadn't read the book, but I have seen a few specials on "The Discovery Channel", "The History Channel" and such, so I knew what the DaVinci Code was supposed to be about. Very interesting take on history and the Bible. What do I think? I think I'll keep my religious and political views to myself and off the blog. Not that I care what anyone thinks about how I feel. Everyone has their own opinion and are entitled to it. Everyone else is entitled to agree or disagree with everyone else's thoughts. So, I'll just keep mine to myself and let the others argue the points. You pick your battles you want to fight and this is not one I want to enter. As for the movie: 2 hours and 39 minutes long and you don't get bored 1 second of it. It starts off good and it never stops. I was trying to figure out where they could cut some time out to make it shorter and there really wasn't any. Overall, I give it a good score on the old entertain-o-meter. So, if you have 2 1/2 hours and 30 bucks, go see "The DaVinci Code." It's worth the time.

Friday, May 26, 2006

X3 and the upcoming weekend

As you can figure out, we just got back from watching "X-Men 3, The Last Stand." Pretty good flick. Growing up, I was never much into the X-Men. I was more into Spiderman and The Fantastic Four. But, when it comes to the movies, I personally think the X-Men are making the best.. Granted, the F4 have only made one, so we'll wait to actually make judgment. Of course, if Jessica Alba is in future F4 movies, I'll be watching them. :) Spiderman takes too much of his relationships into account.. Now, I know, in the comics, that was a big story line also, but in the movies, I just want to see action. So, personally, I don't like the Spiderman movies as much as the other two. Of course any of them beat the original Superman with Christopher Reeves and the "hokey-ness" of the Batman films. Now, I still like the Batman movies, but damn, they are just as hokey as they were in the comics. But, back to the original line, X-3 was a good way to spend a couple hours today. I will give one hint.. If you normally don't stick around to watch the credits and are into the story line of these flicks, you might want to stick around this time. For those that are also hoping for the dude with wings to have a big part in this film, you'll be disappointed. He has a very minor role in the whole thing. Good battle scenes, a few plot twists. If you like the other two X movies, I think you're going to like this one also.
Have you seen they have made a new "Omen." Just what we need. Another Damien movie. Whatever happened to making ORIGINAL movies??? Why are so many of the movies coming out remakes of everything?? "Omen," "Poseidon," "King Kong," "War of the Worlds," and a whole slew of others to even include "The Bad News Bears." Have we gotten to a point where people can't come up with anything original themselves, so they'll just jump on the "Super CG" bandwagon and remake old stuff because they can computer generate so much more now? Come on folks, let's see some originality. I saw a remake of "The Poseidon Adventure" last year on TV. Of course, it wasn't a tidal wave that knocked them over, it was a terrorist act. WTF??? Don't we hear enough about those rag headed bastards everyday in the news and our nightly dramas? Do they have to be mentioned and screw up a perfectly good movie too?? At least the 2006 version of Poseidon goes back to the tidal wave script.
Speaking of terrorist assholes: Everyone please keep our brave men and women that serve this country in the Armed Forces in your thoughts this weekend. Monday is Memorial Day. A day to give thanks and to remember all of those that have given the "ultimate sacrifice" for our Freedom. Those that are doing now and the ones that have done it in the past; They do it willingly. But, your support and appreciation is highly welcomed and very much needed.
Y'all have a great long weekend and Stay Safe.
Support Our Troops!!!!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Reserve Duty: Complete

Today is the last day of doing my annual tour for the Air Force Reserve. Although, it's no big deal in my case. My job in the AFR is the EXACT same as my job during any other week. My shop consists of 1 civilian (me), 1 Active Duty person (Sid) and 1 Traditional Reservist (me again).. So, on the weekends and during my annual, all I do different is wear a uniform. That's got to be one of the best part time jobs in the world.. Not to mention, all the time I had Active Duty will now count towards my retirement, so I'm well over half way to retiring. You can't beat that.. Of course, there is always the threat of being activated and sent to the big sand box, but hey, been there, done that, so if I have to go again, so be it. I wear the uniform and am willing to do what country calls on me to do. No sweat.

Along with doing my annual, we have still been keeping up with our new found sport for exercise: Tennis. Yeah, I still suck. Sid, Mike and I all went played yesterday. Mike played against Sid and I first: 2 against one.. Good odds. Not. He beat us 5 -1. Then, Sid and I played. Sid won 6-2. Then, Mike and Sid played: Mike won 6-3. Then, Mike and I played: Mike won 6-1. Yep, it's official, I'm the worst of the bunch. That's ok. Someone has to be, might as well be me. We are headed out tomorrow morning to play a round of golf. Normally, we just play when there is a best ball tournament around, but we decided to go ahead and play a full round this weekend just for the heck of it. 0750 tee time. I have a strong feeling, this will be the first golf game I ever play and NOT drink beer. That's just way too early for me to be drinking beer. :)

Nothing new on the baby front. Everything is still going good (knock on wood) They (wife and sis) still haven't decided on the colors to paint the room, so I'm just sitting in the wings waiting for the paint to arrive. Once it arrives, I'll paint. Until then, I'll just dread the thought of painting. We have about 8 weeks until the due date, so there are still a few weekends before she arrives to get the room ready. Of course, with baby showers, birth class and Reserve Weekends, there isn't a whole bunch of time.

As for the "what's happened that's stupid" section for today's write-up, I'm going to have a really hard time beating today's. This ad actually showed up in our local paper earlier this week. I'm am not joking. This is not some internet thing, no Photoshop edit, no nothing.. This was clipped from our local paper and scanned on my Dad's scanner and emailed to me by him. You decide for yourself what the hell it is...

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Guess who has grown up to be hot!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

More Pop Tarts and Idol

Well, Sid got an answer back from Kellogg's. They said their recipe for Pop Tarts has not changed over the years. However, because of the advertising that has been put on the packages over the years has gotten bigger and more demanding of space, the actual packaging for the pop tarts has gotten bigger. Thus, making the Pop Tarts look smaller. Alright, I can see the box has gotten bigger, but that doesn't explain the foil pouch/pop tart size difference. Explanation: They had gotten complaints that people were having a hard time opening the pouches when the pop tart filled up the pouch, so as the boxes got bigger, they enlarged the pouches to make opening easier. It all makes sense, so I guess my Pop Tart Conspiracy can be laid to rest.
On another note: First off, let me state, emphatically, that I am not and never will be a fan of American Idol. My wife does watch it and if there is a really good performance or a hot chick in it, she will DVR it and play those parts back for me after the show is over. But, other than that, I don't care to see it. I have actually seen more bits from this season's show than any other, due to Chris Daughtry. That dude ROCKS!!! However, the American Music Listening Culture showed it's ignorance last night by booting Chris off the show. That just showed there is no room for rockers in the prime time world of "Boy Bands." But, in looking towards the future, this was probably the best thing to happen to Chris. He made it far enough to make one helluva name for himself and he isn't stuck under Simon Cowell's contract. He's free to get his own contract, which was probably offered more than once since his dismissal from the show was announced last night. I know one thing for sure: If a CD comes out that has Chris Daughtry's name on it, I'll be buying it.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Pop Tarts

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Pop Tarts are smaller than they used to be? When I was growing up, the Pop Tart would fill up the package. Lately, I've been noticing how there is room between the end of the Pop Tart and the edge of the foil package they are in. This morning, I actually measured it.. There is an entire INCH between the end of the package and the edge of the Pop Tart!!! That is ridiculous.. So, not only has the price of Pop Tarts gone up over time, the size of the Pop Tart has decreased. Sid actually went on the Pop Tart website today and sent an email enquiring about the size of Pop Tarts. We'll see what they have to say.
If you haven't noticed, check out the difference between package and pastry next time you have a Pop Tart.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Slow Week

It's been another slow week with not a lot of stuff to talk about.. The best thing that's happened was my wife had another ultrasound and our little girl to be is doing great!! Still got a couple months to go, but all seems to be going good for now. (Knock on wood)..
We did start playing tennis a couple weeks ago.. So, now with my bowling equipment, golf equipment, racquetball equipment, bicycle, scuba equipment, and pilot supplies, I now have a tennis racket to keep up with. I'm also about as good at tennis as I am the others.. No, I take that back.. I REALLY suck at tennis. But, we're outside, having a good time and getting some exercise, so for now, playing ability doesn't really count. Good thing too. :)
One thing to report from this morning's conversation: If you Google "Volkswagen" "banana" and "cheese wiz" together, you will actually get 37 hits. Isn't the internet a wonderful thing????????
I'll try and write more often..
Have a great one..