Restless night in September

Ever wonder where the phrase "sleeping like a baby" comes from? Just take a look to the left and you can see where it originates. Although, any of you that have babies know this commodity known as sleep (for you or the baby) is a rarity. But, when it does come, for either of you, it's great thing. It's not coming to me tonight. #1 Mom and I laid Tiny Baby down around 10:00 and we all went to sleep. She decided she was hungry about midnight, so I got up, changed her and handed her off for her feeding. It took her awhile to get back to sleep after she fed, but she did make it back. But, I didn't. So, I'm up working on the computer while the others sleep. That's ok. I don't get much time like this anymore, so it's kind of a "treat" to be up here working on a few things without any feeling of guilt or worry that I'll be tired tomorrow since we have the day off for Labor Day.
So, for the update: Tiny baby started going to Daycare this week as #1 Mom started back to work. Monday was a trying day for both of them. I went in late so I could be there for Darling Bride. We drove to baby to the Daycare. I met all the sitters and saw the daily routine. We handed her off to the care-giver just as Mom started to break down. She held it together for the most part, but just as all first time moms that are giving their baby up to the daycare for the first time, she had a hard time of it. I took her to breakfast, letting her gather herself up and then she headed off to work and I headed to the DMV for updated vehicle tags. (Yay..Not) Since #1 Mom works for such a good company, they are allowing her to work half-days for two weeks while her and Tiny Baby get used to being apart. She made it through the day and each day has gotten easier. Although, we're not sure Tiny Baby is really liking being away. She has her good days and bad days, as I'm sure they all do. We'll see how it goes as time passes.
As for me, besides the fact of having some oral surgery done on Thursday, nothing new for me. Although, I did find out one thing after my surgery: I am a WIMP when it comes to codeine. The Doc put me on some pretty good codeine pain killer stuff die to the surgery and the pain they expected me to have for a couple days afterwards. I was to take 1 or 2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours. When I got home, the anesthesia was still working ok, so I only took one and started my count from there. I went upstairs to check email and work on the computer for awhile. After only about 15 minutes up there, I started to fall asleep in front of the monitor. So, I went downstairs to lay down. For the next 24 hours, I kept taking 2 tablets every 6 hours or so. Those 36 hours were a blur. Heather said I was talking incoherently, I wouldn't finish sentences, I would fall asleep as quick as the narcoleptic in "Deuce Bigalow" and I would scratch myself like I was itching without even realizing it. So, I was just all around wiped out, both mentally and physically, due to the codeine. I have no idea if I'm allergic to it or not, but I pulled myself off the drugs after only 4 of my prescribed 7 doses. It has taken a good 24 hours for me to feel 100% again, but I'm back to normal as of now.
I've had a couple of you email me about scuba. I finally get to "get wet" again this month. #1 Mom is good with the weekend routine enough for me to make a quick trip out of here, so I will be Scuba Steve's "Safety Diver" for an up coming Open Water check dive trip. I'm also doing the home study portion of the Rescue Diver Course. The dives portion of that class isn't until October, but I'll have all the other stuff completed well before then. So, by November, I should be able to "officially" enter my Dive Master training under Scuba Steve.
My Mom and Dad are headed to Napa Valley, CA this week. We wish them safe travel and good times this week..
Hope eveyone has a Great Labor Day....
She looks just like you fool!
I'll take that as a compliment. :)
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