Good to be Home

I’m finally writing one of these entries from my own computer chair. I’ve been home a week and what a week it has been. Of course, when I got home, I had a “Honey Do” list that was about as long as my arm. Taking care of a baby full time by yourself takes time away from doing other things such as changing out light bulbs, checking the mail and other small tasks around the house. Not to mention the garbage disposal went out while I was gone. So, after troubleshooting it and realizing it was, in fact, the unit that had gone bad and not the power source, I went to Lowe’s to get a new disposal. So, after installing a new disposal, changing an unprecedented number of light bulbs (2 of them I had to use a ladder in the back of the truck to reach), cutting the grass, trimming the crape myrtle, getting the mail, paying my bills, putting away all my clothes from the trip and doing my laundry from the trip, my list was about complete. I thought I was home free.
Then, I went to pick up Tiny Baby from Daycare. They told me she was starting to have the same symptoms that she had the first week I was gone with that stomach virus. It’s going around the daycare and they can’t seem to get rid of it. At the first symptom last time, #1 Mom pulled her out of Daycare and kept her out the entire week. Unfortunately, other parents are stupid and put their kids right back in when the symptoms slow down. Meaning, their kid still has it and passes it right back to rest of ours. So, the first week I was gone, Tiny Baby got it at school and then #1 Mom got it from her. They were both down for the count for the entire week. Everything was better the rest of the time until this Wednesday when I picked her up. So, I decided since she was starting to get sick, I’d stay home with her on Thursday, #1 Mom could stay home with her Friday and maybe things would get cleared up at Daycare by next Monday. As Thursday progressed, Baby showed no other symptoms and was feeling fine. So, I guess her immune system could finally fight the virus. I, on the other hand, had not been subject to it before and, Oh My Gawd, did hit me like a freight train Thursday night/Friday morning. I won’t go into gory details, but it was bad. Next thing I know, #1 Mom is going through the same motions a little later that morning. Great. We both have this virus and Baby is fine. So here we are both sick as can be and no one to help. My mom just had surgery on Tuesday, so, neither she, nor my Dad can help since he is with her. My sister and her husband are in Atlanta for the weekend and the in-laws are an hour away and both have jobs. Tiny Baby is teething and she had a bad bought of pain, so she was cranky and crying all day. Friday was one LOOOOONG day. But, we made it through it and it’s now 5:50 am on Saturday and both of us feel 100% better than we did 24 hours ago. So, all is going to be good. Fingers crossed, the worst is over for all three of us.
It’s great to be home.
Then, I went to pick up Tiny Baby from Daycare. They told me she was starting to have the same symptoms that she had the first week I was gone with that stomach virus. It’s going around the daycare and they can’t seem to get rid of it. At the first symptom last time, #1 Mom pulled her out of Daycare and kept her out the entire week. Unfortunately, other parents are stupid and put their kids right back in when the symptoms slow down. Meaning, their kid still has it and passes it right back to rest of ours. So, the first week I was gone, Tiny Baby got it at school and then #1 Mom got it from her. They were both down for the count for the entire week. Everything was better the rest of the time until this Wednesday when I picked her up. So, I decided since she was starting to get sick, I’d stay home with her on Thursday, #1 Mom could stay home with her Friday and maybe things would get cleared up at Daycare by next Monday. As Thursday progressed, Baby showed no other symptoms and was feeling fine. So, I guess her immune system could finally fight the virus. I, on the other hand, had not been subject to it before and, Oh My Gawd, did hit me like a freight train Thursday night/Friday morning. I won’t go into gory details, but it was bad. Next thing I know, #1 Mom is going through the same motions a little later that morning. Great. We both have this virus and Baby is fine. So here we are both sick as can be and no one to help. My mom just had surgery on Tuesday, so, neither she, nor my Dad can help since he is with her. My sister and her husband are in Atlanta for the weekend and the in-laws are an hour away and both have jobs. Tiny Baby is teething and she had a bad bought of pain, so she was cranky and crying all day. Friday was one LOOOOONG day. But, we made it through it and it’s now 5:50 am on Saturday and both of us feel 100% better than we did 24 hours ago. So, all is going to be good. Fingers crossed, the worst is over for all three of us.
It’s great to be home.
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