Another weekend has passed...

Saturday, Heather and I cleaned up the house during the morning while Tiny Baby took her morning nap. After she woke up (3 hours later) we went to the Mall to get her Mother's Day present. Heather has wanted a bit of "bling" to wear for awhile now and I figured her first Mother's Day would be a great excuse to buy her some bling. After looking around and having my sister look for me, I never saw anything that I was comfortable getting because Heather can be very particular about certain things. As I was in one of our local jewelry places a week or so before Mother's Day, the girl working the counter told me they were having a custom jewelry show on the 19th and they could make anything she wanted. So, that's what I did.. I gave her a nice thing of flowers and a card that explained the custom jewelry thing and that we would go that day and have her something made. So, Saturday, we went to the jewelry store and she picked out her necklace and had a ruby (Tiny Baby's birthstone) added to the arrangement. She has been wearing that necklace every time we leave the house. Heather has never been one to put a lot of emphasis on material goods, but she LOVES this necklace. It's worth every penny I paid for it just in the joy she displays when she wears it.
Now, while we were shopping, we decided to stop by the food court and grab a bite to eat. There standing in line at the Chik-Fil-A was this lady. She had to be in her mid to late 30's and about 30 pounds over weight. She had bleach blond, long, curly, stringy hair. She had on shorts and a top that showed her midriff. Her pot belly was poking out further than her boobs and with the short shirt, you saw it in all it's glory. On the shirt was written: EYE CANDY... After seeing that "eye candy" you almost wanted to take one of the chopsticks from Yokohama's and jam it in your eye. But unfortunately, the image was already burned into your memory so you would accomplish nothing by poking out your own eyes after the fact.
After the most enjoyable trip to the mall, we went by my parents' house so they could spend some time with Tiny Baby and then it was back to the mall to pick up the necklace. After that was dinner, putting the baby to bed and Nextel All-Star Challenge. My man, McMurray didn't make it to the All-Star event, but he ran good in the Open and it looks good for his car in the 600 next weekend. Maybe we'll see another good run by the 26 team this coming week. For those of you that follow the Cup series, how about Busch taking out Busch???!!!!
Sunday, we decided to do some work around the yard. Somehow, last year, I managed to kill our grass. Now, when I cut the weeds out front, I have more dirt, rocks and dust flying out from under the mower than grass. So, we've decided to put in an irrigation system. It's in the planning stages, but it shouldn't take too much time or money since we have a small yard. But, even though I have no grass to work on, there are plenty of weeds in the flower beds and everywhere else. So, Heather pulled up the weeds while I FINALLY installed our front porch swing. It's been sitting on the front porch for about 9 months now and I finally got all the parts to hang it today. So, she got the weeds, I hung the swing and she and her mom planted more daylilies around the house. Maybe if we have enough flowers around the house, no one will notice the huge dirt patch that's supposed to be the front lawn. Hopefully, the irrigation system will put enough water on the lawn that our grass will come back. My Father-in-Law seems to think it will, so we'll see when we get some real water on it. You know I'll update here whether it works or not.
Now, I sit here typing my BLOG while #1 Mom puts Tiny Baby down to bed for the night. It's been a very good and productive weekend. You gotta love those types of weekends... Hope you all had an equally enjoyable and/or productive weekend.
Since I didn't have a picture that really went along with this entry, I decided to just upload a pic of the family that was taken on Easter Sunday. The post was mostly about the entire family, so I guess it's fitting.
Labels: housework, mothers day, tiny baby
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