I didn't realize it had been so long since I made an entry.. Sorry about that.. Been kind of busy.. My wife's grandfather died last week, so we had visitation and funeral days. Then, I went away for 3 days on a spearfishing dive weekend with some friends down in the Gulf of Mexico. The write up about that weekend will be ready in the next day or two.

A quick update about Tiny Baby: She crawls with lightning speed now. She can hold her own bottle while she drinks. She can drink from a "sippy" cup. She can stand up while pulling up on something. She has her first tooth. She can eat soft table foods and crackers with the best of them. And while we're on the subject of food: She has learned that if she drops food on the floor next to her highchair, she can see her dog when he comes to eat it. Fun times!!!!
Labels: tiny baby
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