My Sis and my Truck
First and foremost, please keep my sister, Leslie Lorenz, in your thoughts for next few weeks. As most of you know she has gone through two bouts of breast cancer in the last 5 years. She's clear of cancer and is doing very well. But, this week, she goes through, what we hope, is her last surgery. With this stint with cancer, she decided she had had enough and got a double mastectomy. So, now that she is all healed up from the chemo and other surgeries, she is having her reconstruction surgery this week. She went to Atlanta today to check in and she goes under the knife for 7 hours tomorrow morning. It's going to be a long, painful healing process, so please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
As for the truck, Heather couldn't get in the truck all that easy due to the Tundra's size. So, she asked me to put some step tubes on it so she could get in it easier. Since I like the look of the tubes anyway, she really didn't have twist my arm. When it comes to step tubes, I only have one choice. Westin. So, as I was looking at the Westin site, they had put up a big banner that they finally came out with a bull bar for the Tundra. The bull bar can have a front license plate holder with it and since, on the Tundras, you have to drill the bumper cover to mount a plate on the front, I wanted that licence plate relocator. So, as I ordered my tubes and noticed the company had free shipping on everything, I ordered the bull bar and license plate relocator to go with it. I ordered the stuff on Sunday night and it showed up on Thursday afternoon. So, after work on Friday, Sid came over to give me hand, since he has already mounted the bull bar on his Tacoma. After about 2 hours and a beer or two, we had the tubes and bull bar mounted. My sister even gave me a new Dive Flag tag to put on the front, since my original is so faded out. Here is the finished product:

As the Toyota commercial says: MMM, MMM. Tasty.
Thanks to Sid for helping me out...
Truck lookin good... hope all goes well with your sisters surgery. Gonna try to attach some pics of my baby. ;-)
Images no-worky.
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