Another week gone by
And, another week without a post. There's been a lot going on and I just haven't had the time to write. Last week, everyone in the family was sick with some kind of nasty stomach bug that's being passed around. We've all had it in the past. Tiny Baby got it from daycare and passed it to each of us. We were all down for about three days. This time, Heather got it from a lady at work (it's passed by physical contact and she was all in this lady's office.) We didn't know she had it and then she passed it to the baby. I was the lucky one. I thought they both had a small case of food poisoning. Until Tiny Baby threw up all over me. That's all it took and 6 hours later, I was praying to the porcelain princess for the next 12 hours. It was so bad, even the dog threw up. It was a rough couple of days in the Hall household. But, again, the Mother-in-Law came to the rescue and stayed at the house and watched the baby on the day I spent hugging to toilet. She was a GREAT help yet again when we got sick. And yes, if you remember the last time this happened, I lost my voice. It happened this time too. Fortunately, the sickness only laid any of us out for about 24 hours. So, no three day ordeal this time. Come the weekend, we were all 100% again, except for my voice. But, I had drill, so I worked all weekend anyway.

Speaking of drill and uniforms. Both Sid and I sewed on TSgt. Sid on 1 Feb and I did it on 1 May. No thanks to my useless training NCO at the Squadron, but thanks to our local Training Guru, my supervisor, my Squadron Commander and a couple nice ladies at the MPF, I was able to finally sew on TSgt. Sid earned his the old fashioned way: Testing, medals and EPR's. I just did a 2 week school and was given the stripe. But, you know what? I'll take it. So, today, he and I invited some friends/co-workers to the club so we could buy them all a few rounds to celebrate our stripes. It was nice turn out and we had a good time. I had sent out the invites and when we looked around at the table while everyone was there, we had invited 8 or 9 women and 2 guys. Actually, that's what was there, but there more of each that were invited that couldn't show for one reason or another. But, I didn't realize how much the female to male ratio was slanted. Need me to do the invites for your next party???
Some of my dive buddies are headed to Lake Juliette tomorrow. I wanted to go, but there are some things I need to do around the house to get it ready for the sprinkler system next weekend. And, I bummed up my knee somehow. It feels like it's going to give way at any minute. If it doesn't get better by next week, I guess I'll have to go get it looked at. But, what ever is wrong, I couldn't be walking around with 40 pounds of gear on my back with my knee the way it is.
I will leave you with this that I overheard in a conversation at the Hospital last weekend while I was doing my yearly physical exam: "I wonder how you field dress a moose?" You know, that's just something you rarely hear in a hospital conversation in Middle Georgia.
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