Medical Update

Finally, the day had arrived for me to have my first post-op appointment with my Dr. Since I still wasn't supposed to drive, my sister took me to the appointment. Once we got back in the room, we started looking at the pictures on the wall and tried to figure out where the cadaver bones went in my neck. BP seems to be very interested in my "Dead Guy Bones" so I wanted to try and find out for him. My sister is a Registered Nurse and has never dealt with this type of treatment before, so her curiosity was piqued also. As we were looking at the picture on the back of the door, the X-Ray tech opened the door and scared us both. She took me back into the x-ray room and I was explaining what we were doing behind the door. She asked what the Dr. had done to me and I told her he fused 4 layers of my neck. She looked through her little window and said, "Four layers??? Can you even move your neck?" I showed her what I could do and she was amazed at the range of motion. That made me feel good. After we got back to the room, the Doc showed up less than 5 minutes later. He started answering my questions and explaining a bit more on what he did.
OK BP, here it is.. The discs between my vertebrae also have bone on them. When they do surgery like they did on me, they actually remove the old disc and put in a "fake" one with wire mesh type stuff around it and the cadaver bones. So, the dead-guy bones are between my vertebrae where the new fake disc is located.
The Doc was pleasantly surprised at how well I was moving and said I was doing very good. He released me for minor activities. I can drive again (whoo-hoo!!) I no longer need to wear the brace, at all!! I can only pick up things that weigh 25 lbs or less. I have to do some exercises to work my neck and shoulders. I can go back to work, but I can't do all the manual labor stuff that can be involved. I can only do computer work right now. I have Physical Therapy twice a week for an unknown amount of time. But, all in all, I'm doing great!! I still have no use of my left hand, but it should come in time. I feel good and I'm determined to get my left hand back.
The next day, I had my first Physical Therapy appointment. I showed up and had gotten my Physical Therapist I had been assigned back February again. (I actually requester her) We spoke for awhile getting caught up and once she knew what all was going on, she started my routine. Heating pad, TENS machine, neck stretches, squeeze balls, wrist curls, bike you pedal with your hands and the neck massage. The end of the session neck massage is worth my co-pay alone!! Last time I was doing physical therapy, it was trying to help a problem that couldn't be helped. Now, I feel like it will actually do something. MK (my physical therapist) was very impressed by my neck motion also. However, she is still very worried about my hand and arm. So, instead of just doing the neck stuff like the Doc has ordered, she is also working my hand and arm at the same time. She even had another PT specialist come over and look at my hand so she could get another opinion on how to work it. She said we'll step it up each time I come to work it out. I've got all the faith in the world in her (which is why I requested her again) so I feel she'll get me back my hand in time. So, that is where we are. I have PT appointment # 2 tomorrow morning.
On a family note, the baby is doing awesome!! She is still a dream child. Ansley has come around and has really warmed up to "Baby Sister." So, everything is good with the kids at the Hall Household.
I also have some great news about the Rag-A-Muffin. It flew on April 18th. I'll write about that day tomorrow, probably.
PS: The picture up top is not my x-ray. I don't have a copy of my own, so I just grabbed one from the web that had a 4 layer fusion done. They are missing one set of screws in their neck. but it's close to what mine looks like.
Labels: ansley, baby sister, ragamuffin, surgery