X3 and the upcoming weekend

As you can figure out, we just got back from watching "X-Men 3, The Last Stand." Pretty good flick. Growing up, I was never much into the X-Men. I was more into Spiderman and The Fantastic Four. But, when it comes to the movies, I personally think the X-Men are making the best.. Granted, the F4 have only made one, so we'll wait to actually make judgment. Of course, if Jessica Alba is in future F4 movies, I'll be watching them. :) Spiderman takes too much of his relationships into account.. Now, I know, in the comics, that was a big story line also, but in the movies, I just want to see action. So, personally, I don't like the Spiderman movies as much as the other two. Of course any of them beat the original Superman with Christopher Reeves and the "hokey-ness" of the Batman films. Now, I still like the Batman movies, but damn, they are just as hokey as they were in the comics. But, back to the original line, X-3 was a good way to spend a couple hours today. I will give one hint.. If you normally don't stick around to watch the credits and are into the story line of these flicks, you might want to stick around this time. For those that are also hoping for the dude with wings to have a big part in this film, you'll be disappointed. He has a very minor role in the whole thing. Good battle scenes, a few plot twists. If you like the other two X movies, I think you're going to like this one also.
Have you seen they have made a new "Omen." Just what we need. Another Damien movie. Whatever happened to making ORIGINAL movies??? Why are so many of the movies coming out remakes of everything?? "Omen," "Poseidon," "King Kong," "War of the Worlds," and a whole slew of others to even include "The Bad News Bears." Have we gotten to a point where people can't come up with anything original themselves, so they'll just jump on the "Super CG" bandwagon and remake old stuff because they can computer generate so much more now? Come on folks, let's see some originality. I saw a remake of "The Poseidon Adventure" last year on TV. Of course, it wasn't a tidal wave that knocked them over, it was a terrorist act. WTF??? Don't we hear enough about those rag headed bastards everyday in the news and our nightly dramas? Do they have to be mentioned and screw up a perfectly good movie too?? At least the 2006 version of Poseidon goes back to the tidal wave script.
Speaking of terrorist assholes: Everyone please keep our brave men and women that serve this country in the Armed Forces in your thoughts this weekend. Monday is Memorial Day. A day to give thanks and to remember all of those that have given the "ultimate sacrifice" for our Freedom. Those that are doing now and the ones that have done it in the past; They do it willingly. But, your support and appreciation is highly welcomed and very much needed.
Y'all have a great long weekend and Stay Safe.
Support Our Troops!!!!
Yeap...decent. Part 2 was better. This one was good, don't get me wrong but they hurried a lot of the plots along in this one. I mean, where in the hell did Beast come from. (No background on him)...you know, stuff like that for people who don't know the comics. Anyways, 4 buds from me on the movie.
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