Monday, February 26, 2007


Congratulations to my Buddy, EZ.. He finished his Open Water Check Dives this past weekend. He is now a certified O/W Diver!!! (Already looking towards his Advanced rating)

Now, I have another Buddy to dive with.. Congrats Man!!!


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Another Diver in the Family (very soon)

Well, my niece did it. She completed her confined water portion of her dive training last weekend and did exceptionally well. She was the only girl in the class and the only person that was under the age of 21. She made it through the classroom portion with little difficulty and really excelled in the pool portion. I was the “safety diver” for her class, so I got to watch and evaluate her first hand. Her Dad was there also, so every time, after a skill, I would come up and let him know how she did.. It finally just got a point where I just nodded because she was doing so well. To me, what was funny was to have the guys surface after a skill and say, “We’re getting our butts kicked by a 12 year old.” She is very comfortable in the water to begin with, so being able to breathe while down there just made things even better for her. I never once saw any second thoughts or worries while she was doing her skills. There was even one point, as we were in the deep end doing skills, her turn came up and she pointed at her mask. It was leaking like a sieve. She kept clearing it and it kept filling up. But, instead of freaking, she looked at me, shrugged her shoulders and started to do her skill. I knew her mask would be fully flooding in no time, so I asked to her hold on while we figured out her mask. It ended up being some of her hair was caught under the skirt and letting the water in. Once we brushed it way, the leaked stopped. I’ve seen people freak out and bolt to the surface for less than that, and she never even considered bolting. She was going to do that skill come Hell or (literally) high water. So, after two days in the pool, she has learned enough to go on her check out dives. Since she has very little “meat on her bones” her mom, my sister, wants to wait a month or so while it warms up out side so she won’t freeze during surface intervals. We’re looking at May for her check dives. I’ll be on that trip with (as well as her Dad) and we’ll have a good time. But, I just want to congratulate my niece for having passed the first half of her PADI Open Water Junior Certification and wishing her good luck on the check dives.. Congrats Baby Girl!!!

In case you are wondering, PADI standards are: You can get certified at 10 years of age, but they don’t want you diving, unsupervised, until you are at least 15. So, from the ages of 10 to 14 they are awarded PADI Open Water Junior Certification. Meaning, they are certified to dive with a Divemaster or Instructor. Kind of like a learner’s permit. At 15, there are no extra tests or qualifications (because you do the exact same stuff as all O/W divers during your certification class) you just let PADI know you are 15, pay your money for a replacement card and you are then a “regular” PADI O/W diver.

As for me, another week has gone by and they haven’t changed the dates for my Rescue Class, so I’m starting to get cautiously optimistic about it actually happening this time.

Tiny Baby and #1 Mom are doing great. Tiny Baby is very mobile for not crawling or walking yet. She can roll from one side of the room to the other in no time flat, so we have to keep an eye on her anytime she’s on the floor. I can’t imagine keeping up with her once she actually starts to crawl. Looks like it’s time to start investing in baby gates and baby-proofing the house.

Also, my sister has finished her Chemo regimen!!! She is done with all chemo and shot treatments. She still has a couple of major surgeries to go through, but the treatment is done.. Congrats to her for finishing it up (again)..

Book Report Update: I finished “Hiding on the Bottom” by James Rosemond. Good book. I even wrote a review on about it. “Very good read. Refreshingly real. Mr. Rosemond tells you his story in a way that will actually have you hearing the crackling fire or feeling the last rays of the sun hit you as you sit on the porch of the Swamphouse at sundown. Everyday stories from a “regular guy” mixed with humor and a few life lessons taught by a Character you really want to meet. What’s not to like?? We could all learn a few things from Scotty and his views on life.” The author goes by the name “Ken” in life and I’ve actually had the pleasure of emailing back and forth with Ken. Very nice guy. He even made me a deal and since I kept my part of the bargain, he’s sending me another copy of “Hiding” inscribed by him and signed by Scotty. That’s very cool. Go buy his book. He’s even starting a yearly get together at the Swamphouse called “Swampfest.” You can meet Ken, Scotty and everyone form the book if you go. I received my invite, but I’m afraid timing isn’t good for me this year. But I do have an invite to go flounder hunting with him if I’m ever up in the area.
I’m reading “Diver Down” by Michael Ange now.. I’ll let you know about that as soon as I’m done..

I was also shown another Scuba Related Forum:

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Friday, February 16, 2007

4:00 am Ramblings

For the first time in a long time, I don't have anything specific I want to talk about. I woke up at 2:30 am this morning and haven't been able to go back to sleep. So, I got up around 3:30 and have been at the computer for about 45 minutes surfing my addictive Scuba Diving Forums. I figured I'd start writing and sooner or later a subject would hit me.

For those of you interested in the Forums:
Diving Talk is a fairly new and pretty low key forum. There isn't a huge amount of users on this one yet, but the membership is growing. Most folks that are on there are nice and helpful.
Then you have ScubaBoard. This is the mac-daddy of the Scuba Diving forums, in my opinion. Huge amount of members and many different areas to search. If you have any diving related questions, you can get your answer there. I am a member of both as "dalehall." Yeah, I know, that's a real original screen name.

Around the home, there isn't much going on, for a change. I almost have my voice back. I can, at least, carry on a conversation with others now. There have been no more outbreaks of virus' or anything else at the house, the daycare, or either work place, so we are thankful for that. (knock on wood) Both baby and #1 Mom are doing fine. In fact, Baby Ansley was just stirring, so I went in and gave her back her "passi" and she fell right back to sleep.

Valentine's Day has gone and passed. Heather and I normally don't do anything for Valentine's Day. V Day, to me, is just another "Hallmark" holiday made to make you spend money at card stores and flower shops. As Heather stated, we don't need someone else telling us we're supposed to treat the other special on this day. So, normally, we just skip the whole ordeal. But, this year, I had a change of heart, and didn't tell her. I just thought about all the ladies at her work getting flowers and her being one of only a handful that didn't get any. The thought didn't thrill me, so I had some sent to her. She loved them, but felt bad in the beginning because I sent her something and she didn't do anything for me. I told her my reasoning behind it and she was fine. Normally, when we set "rules" for gift giving, I follow them, but I just had to kinda ignore them this year.

I've been helping my niece do her home study for her confined water portion coming this Saturday. That was the first time I actually sat down and taught anyone how to use the Recreational Dive Planner. I was surprised how much I still retained and how much I had forgotten due to not doing certain portions. Like, I can get my pressure group after a dive, surface interval and a second dive with my residual nitrogen time. That's the easy bit. But, I never determine the shortest surface interval I can take to get back in the water for a certain dive and a certain amount of time. So, I had to re-learn how to do that. But, as long as you know the basics of the table, it's all cake to figure out. (No, I don't use the electronic version of the tables) But, helping her do that along with the other areas in the plan and helping Steve in the pool helps me to become a better diver all around.

Speaking of becoming a better diver, I finally have a date for my Rescue Dives... 31 March and 1 April, I will finally get my Rescue Diver class completed. Since I did my paperwork back in September of last year, I'll have to brush up on all of that again, but I'm ready to get this one out of the way.

I'm sure you've heard the old saying about people getting "promoted to the level of their incompetence." Yeah, that's about the same everywhere you go. But, in my instance, I seem to get those that get promoted by the amount of backbone they have removed. No one seems to have the balls to make a decision anymore. And, if they do make a decision, it's only after making complete sure they aren't going to offend anyone or make anyone mad by what they decide. And, if it does offend someone, they are quick to change their mind and recant their decision. These people amaze me. Sorry folks, I don't work that way. When it comes to my job, I make a decision and I stand by it whether it pisses people off or not. I finally got to the point, a few years ago, that I don't ask my boss for his opinion when it comes to my job. I was put in charge of the shop and I make the decisions as I see fit. If they have a problem with it (which 99 times out of 100, they don't) then they can come talk to me about it. But I believe in that old Navy Admiral's philosophy: "It's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission." I live by that and I think others ought to also. If you're in a decision making position, do yourself and your people a favor: Grow a set, make a decision and stand by it. If it's wrong, so be it. You'll know better for next time, but at least you made a decision and you're people will respect you for it. If you don't have the balls to make a decision, they're all laughing at you and disrespecting you and your lack of a back-bone any time you walk. How do I know? Because, if you look at the management I've had over the last 10 years, you'd know I've been doing it most of the time. That may not be very adult or PC, but respect from me is earned. You don't automatically get it just because you are above me on the chain of command. You must earn my respect and trust. Just as I must earn the trust and respect of those under me. I will tell you this, the military has a better ratio of back-boned supervisors than Corporate America. Corporate America is filled with prima-donna CEO wannabe's that work their way up the ladder with ass kissing and not hard work. And the quickest way to move of the corporate ladder? Be a "Yes Man." When I worked at Deltacom, I only had one supervisor that had a set on him. Of course, he only lasted a few years and then went on to a real company. All the rest were spineless jellyfish of men that couldn't make a decision if their mother's life depended on it. They were a complete joke. Military doesn't promote by being a "Yes man", so they have people that will actually do what they are supposed to do to get the job done. However, not every supervisor is that way. We still have our "jellyfishes" we have to deal with also. But, at least I can say, with complete confidence, I'm not one of them.

See, I knew I find a subject to get me ranting this morning. :)

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Update to last Post

My mother-in-law felt bad for us when she got the story about how our day went yesterday. She came over and is helping around the house today. It's great to have an AWESOME family.

Thank you from all of us!!!

Since I lost my voice from being sick so many times yesterday, the sign language picture for Thank You is appropriate here.

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Good to be Home

I’m finally writing one of these entries from my own computer chair. I’ve been home a week and what a week it has been. Of course, when I got home, I had a “Honey Do” list that was about as long as my arm. Taking care of a baby full time by yourself takes time away from doing other things such as changing out light bulbs, checking the mail and other small tasks around the house. Not to mention the garbage disposal went out while I was gone. So, after troubleshooting it and realizing it was, in fact, the unit that had gone bad and not the power source, I went to Lowe’s to get a new disposal. So, after installing a new disposal, changing an unprecedented number of light bulbs (2 of them I had to use a ladder in the back of the truck to reach), cutting the grass, trimming the crape myrtle, getting the mail, paying my bills, putting away all my clothes from the trip and doing my laundry from the trip, my list was about complete. I thought I was home free.

Then, I went to pick up Tiny Baby from Daycare. They told me she was starting to have the same symptoms that she had the first week I was gone with that stomach virus. It’s going around the daycare and they can’t seem to get rid of it. At the first symptom last time, #1 Mom pulled her out of Daycare and kept her out the entire week. Unfortunately, other parents are stupid and put their kids right back in when the symptoms slow down. Meaning, their kid still has it and passes it right back to rest of ours. So, the first week I was gone, Tiny Baby got it at school and then #1 Mom got it from her. They were both down for the count for the entire week. Everything was better the rest of the time until this Wednesday when I picked her up. So, I decided since she was starting to get sick, I’d stay home with her on Thursday, #1 Mom could stay home with her Friday and maybe things would get cleared up at Daycare by next Monday. As Thursday progressed, Baby showed no other symptoms and was feeling fine. So, I guess her immune system could finally fight the virus. I, on the other hand, had not been subject to it before and, Oh My Gawd, did hit me like a freight train Thursday night/Friday morning. I won’t go into gory details, but it was bad. Next thing I know, #1 Mom is going through the same motions a little later that morning. Great. We both have this virus and Baby is fine. So here we are both sick as can be and no one to help. My mom just had surgery on Tuesday, so, neither she, nor my Dad can help since he is with her. My sister and her husband are in Atlanta for the weekend and the in-laws are an hour away and both have jobs. Tiny Baby is teething and she had a bad bought of pain, so she was cranky and crying all day. Friday was one LOOOOONG day. But, we made it through it and it’s now 5:50 am on Saturday and both of us feel 100% better than we did 24 hours ago. So, all is going to be good. Fingers crossed, the worst is over for all three of us.

It’s great to be home.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

On the road again...

Well, here I sit, one more night in my hotel room in Biloxi (actually, D’Iberville) Mississippi. Everything has been packed back up in suitcases and a-bags and the truck is loaded with everything I won’t need in the next 12 hours. I have also been studying this evening for my final exam tomorrow morning, but I needed to take break from it. I need to clear my head and check back later on to see what I actually retained from today and this evening. I really thought this course was going to be a waste of time, but, I’m happy to report, I actually learned quite a bit during my time here. I just hope I’m able to retain enough of it to pass the exam tomorrow morning. I took a 110 question practice test this afternoon and scored a 90% on it. I hope that’s a sign of things to come for tomorrow morning.

Although the two weeks have gone by pretty quickly, I am soooo ready to get back home to my family. I’m not looking forward to the 7 hour drive, but I am ready to be back home. Everyone has gotten over the sickness they all had and they all have gotten along fine without me. And, no, I don’t feel bad about that. I want them to get along fine without me. Wearing the uniform means there will be times I can’t be there for one reason or another. I need to feel confident they can survive without me. And they have proved it on more than one occasion. But, I’m sure #1 Mom will be glad to have another set of hands around the house, full time, for a change also. I think I have to cut the grass when I get home. Yuck. And, I’m sure, pay bills that have come in since I’ve been gone. Yep, back to the same ‘ol grind. Can’t wait. :)

Small scuba update.. My 12 year old niece, ABG, will be doing her confined water portion of diving classes in the next couple of weeks. She will have Scuba Steve as her instructor and I will be his Safety Diver for the course, so that should be fun. We’ll get some pictures of that loaded after we complete her course. I haven’t gotten the pictures of Vortex developed yet. I was waiting until I got home so I wouldn’t be on a time crunch if anything were to happen to the developing process. Not to mention that the only place around here to get them developed is Wal-Mart and it will be a COLD day in hell before I ever let them touch another roll of my film.

Next time I blog, it will be from the confines of my own computer chair in Warner Robins…

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