Today is the last day of doing my annual tour for the Air Force Reserve. Although, it's no big deal in my case. My job in the AFR is the EXACT same as my job during any other week. My shop consists of 1 civilian (me), 1 Active Duty person (Sid) and 1 Traditional Reservist (me again).. So, on the weekends and during my annual, all I do different is wear a uniform. That's got to be one of the best part time jobs in the world.. Not to mention, all the time I had Active Duty will now count towards my retirement, so I'm well over half way to retiring. You can't beat that.. Of course, there is always the threat of being activated and sent to the big sand box, but hey, been there, done that, so if I have to go again, so be it. I wear the uniform and am willing to do what country calls on me to do. No sweat.
Along with doing my annual, we have still been keeping up with our new found sport for exercise: Tennis. Yeah, I still suck. Sid, Mike and I all went played yesterday. Mike played against Sid and I first: 2 against one.. Good odds. Not. He beat us 5 -1. Then, Sid and I played. Sid won 6-2. Then, Mike and Sid played: Mike won 6-3. Then, Mike and I played: Mike won 6-1. Yep, it's official, I'm the worst of the bunch. That's ok. Someone has to be, might as well be me. We are headed out tomorrow morning to play a round of golf. Normally, we just play when there is a best ball tournament around, but we decided to go ahead and play a full round this weekend just for the heck of it. 0750 tee time. I have a strong feeling, this will be the first golf game I ever play and NOT drink beer. That's just way too early for me to be drinking beer. :)
Nothing new on the baby front. Everything is still going good (knock on wood) They (wife and sis) still haven't decided on the colors to paint the room, so I'm just sitting in the wings waiting for the paint to arrive. Once it arrives, I'll paint. Until then, I'll just dread the thought of painting. We have about 8 weeks until the due date, so there are still a few weekends before she arrives to get the room ready. Of course, with baby showers, birth class and Reserve Weekends, there isn't a whole bunch of time.
As for the "what's happened that's stupid" section for today's write-up, I'm going to have a really hard time beating today's. This ad actually showed up in our local paper earlier this week. I'm am not joking. This is not some internet thing, no Photoshop edit, no nothing.. This was clipped from our local paper and scanned on my Dad's scanner and emailed to me by him. You decide for yourself what the hell it is...